Meet Jonathan!


Meet Jonathan Miller, our newest coach!

What are your hobbies? I enjoy playing golf whenever I can.

What do you do in “real life”? I am a Program Control Analyst for a government contractor in Huntsville.

Please tell us a little about your personal life. I was born and raised in Decatur, AL. I graduated from UNA. I currently live in Priceville, AL.


What led you to join the CrossFit Protocol family? I was first introduced to CrossFit when I was in college. After graduating and moving back home, some guys that were already members at Protocol asked me to drop in on a Saturday workout and I’ve been hooked ever since. I have been a member at Protocol for almost 6 years now.

What is your past fitness/sports/exercise history? I grew up playing football and was familiar with most of the power lifts. I was pretty much active my whole life in various sports throughout high school. While in my first two years in college I pretty much stopped all exercising and quickly got to the lowest and unhealthiest point in my physical journey. After reaching that low point I found a group of workout partners at school and quickly turned things around. It was around that time when I first learned of CrossFit.

What did you think about CrossFit before you started? I didn’t really know much about CrossFit and was hesitant in joining because I knew CrossFit did a lot of pull-ups and I hated pull-ups (still do).


How do you feel about CrossFit now that you’ve been doing it for some time? They say CrossFit is the opposite of fight club because once you join you can’t stop talking about it. And I know that’s how my friends who don’t do CrossFit feel about me. Coming from a sports background I love that I still get to compete everyday against others. It gives you a sense of pride when you see your name at the top of the white board and that’s what drives me today.


How has CrossFit affected you in your regular life; tell us about any results you’ve experienced as a result of CrossFit. CrossFit has shown me that there are no short cuts to achieving your goals. If you don’t show up consistently, if you aren’t making wise diet choices, if you don’t come in with a positive attitude, then you can’t expect to achieve results.

If you could pick one exercise that you never had to do again, what would it be? Anything with a high volume of GHD’s!


Tell us one thing about you that we might not know. Huge Harry Potter fan.

What’s your biggest CrossFit accomplishment? Being WOD partners with David Wallace.

Why did you want to become a coach? I wanted to learn how to train and help our athletes at every level, from the new beginners to the top performers, achieve their fitness goals.

If you had to pick only one thing that most athletes should work on, what is it and why? Mobility! And I am speaking to myself as well. As I am getting older I am noticing that my recovery times are not what they used to be compared to when I first started CrossFit.

What is the top subject you consider yourself an expert in? I wouldn’t consider myself expert in anything quite yet. But I also don’t want specialize in one particular area either. I hope to be well rounded in all areas of CrossFit from Olympic lifts, power lifts, nutrition, etc.

What is the best advice you have for someone who may be interested in checking out our gym? Leave everything you have heard or think about CrossFit at the door and come in with an open mind and get after it.

Maia Burchell