Meet Hedy!


What led you to join the CrossFit Protocol family (and how long have you been a member)? It was the only Crossfit Box in Decatur. I saw someone from the school wear one of their T-shirts, so I asked her about it. She encouraged me to give it a try. She said it was a good time to get started because they were about to have their first 101 Class in their new building. In August I will celebrate my 5th anniversary!

What is your past fitness/sports/exercise history? None. I was happy if I walked the dog 2 miles.

What did you think about CrossFit before you started? I knew I needed to start regular exercise. I really wanted to learn more about weight lifting. I knew nothing about CrossFit except that it would be different everyday and someone would tell me what to do. I liked the idea of someone telling me what my exercises would be because when I did try to go to a gym, I never knew how to utilize the equipment. I thought of CrossFit as a way to learn from someone.

How do you feel about CrossFit now that you’ve been doing it for some time? I LOVE a weird sort of way!

Tell us about any results you’ve experienced as a result of CrossFit. Of course, physically stronger, and I have a huge improvement in my endurance. I am more toned and have maintained a little higher than average muscle mass for women my age. It also helps me mentally and emotionally. I have met so many wonderful people I never would have met. My hour at Protocol is “my time” of the day. It has improved my mental and emotional health just as much as my physical health.

How has CrossFit affected you in your regular life? Daily activities are easier. For example, hauling in groceries, squatting to clean and retrieving items out of cabinets. My adult children call me to help move furniture when they have moved to different dorms or apartments! When I take my son to Pt. Mallard, I “play” more than moms who are 10-20 years younger than me.


If you could pick one exercise that you never had to do again, what would it be? I can only pick just 1?

Tell us one thing about you that we might not know. I played clarinet in high school and even in college band.

Tell us anything else about yourself that you want us to know! I was a military wife and have been allowed to travel and live in different parts of the country...complements of the U. S. Army and my adventurous husband!

What is your definition of “healthy eating”? How do you eat? What’s your favorite “off plan” meal? Healthy eating to me is home cooking..or the phrase “cooked from scratch”. I was raised in the generation or in a family where eating out was an exception or a special treat. It was very rare to eat out. My favorite “off plan” meal would go back to my childhood in South Louisiana. Even when I go home now, I go to get my favorite Shrimp Poboy!


What’s your biggest CrossFit accomplishment? Not dying or having to have medical life-saving intervention! More specifically, running a mile without walking. I cried actual tears when I did that. Also, jumping on a 20 inch box was a huge accomplishment for me. Oh, and deadlifting 205 lbs.

What goal are you currently working on and how do you plan to attain it? I would love to get a real pull-up and do double unders with ease.

If you could design your own WOD, what would it look like? It would definitely not include sleds!

What is the best advice you have for someone who may be interested in checking out our gym? Please don’t think you have to be “in shape” to try CrossFit. CrossFit and Protocol are literally for everyone at whatever physical level they are at when they begin to work out. An 80 year old can work out in the same class as a 20 year old. Every workout can and is modified to each athlete’s ability. The day-to-day functional benefits are worth every penny and every drop of sweat. I always tell people that saying you can’t do CrossFit because you aren’t “fit” is like saying, “Well, I can’t swim because I’m not Michael Phelps, or I better not try golf because I’m not Tiger Woods.” Protocol is the most accepting gym in Decatur. No one will stare at you. Everyone encourages each other. Everyone is on their own unique physical journey. One of the best pieces of advice was given to me by Adam...”it’s about your journey, not theirs.” I was the only one in the class jumping on a 12 inch box when he told me this. Everyone else was jumping on a big box. If I would have let the abilities of other athletes discourage me, I would never be reaping the benefits of my almost 5 year long CrossFit journey.

Maia Burchell