Meet Andrew!


Andrew Martin just achieved his Level I Certification and is joining the coaching staff at CrossFit Protocol. Read more about Andrew below!

What led you to join the CrossFit Protocol family?

My wife and I have been members at CrossFit Protocol for almost two years now and everyone can thank Paige for that. Paige was looking for a new, exciting way to work out, something that would not get boring and would hold her attention. After doing CrossFit for a couple of months, Paige somehow convinced me to do a week-long 101 class at Protocol. I thought I would make my wife happy and go for a week, I never left.

What is your past fitness/sports/exercise history?

I played baseball and basketball all the way up through high school and baseball for a little while after I graduated. I have had plenty of experience in the “bro gym” but never any CrossFit experience.

Why did you want to become a coach?

I enjoy helping people reach their goals and interacting with the athletes in our gym. There is nothing like the celebration that comes after someone hits a big lift or finishes a tough WOD and I like to be a part of that. Coaching is a way for me to get outside of myself and help others. It lets me focus on what someone else needs and not on what I need.

If you had to pick only one thing that most athletes should work on, what is it and why?

Their biggest weakness. In CrossFit you need to be well-rounded. If you are strong but have terrible gymnastics, work on gymnastics. If you have great cardio but struggle with strength, work on getting stronger. It’s not about being the best in one category. Its about being consistent across the board.

What is the top subject you consider yourself an expert in?

I would say handstand push-ups or rowing. I’m not an expert in either category but in the beginning, these are the two things that came naturally to me and I can do both things relatively well. Nutrition is also an area that I have spent a fair amount of time studying but don’t ask me about my pizza eating habits.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?

The ability to fly. You would never have to deal with the TSA again and think of all the things you would be able to see. It’s hard to imagine a way to have more freedom.

What is the best advice you have for someone who may be interested in checking out our gym?

Don’t be afraid or intimidated. CrossFit is intense but it is also all inclusive. The benefits to overall physical and mental health are huge so take the chance and come try it. I cannot think of a better place, with better people, than CrossFit Protocol.

Maia Burchell