Coach will compare scan BMR (basal metabolic rate) with other formulas to determine a recommended caloric intake.
coach and athlete will meet and discuss athleteโs goals and coach will give athlete suggested calories and also a macronutrient breakdown of the suggested calories. in this meeting the coach and athlete will make sure athlete has myfitnesspal setup and coach is a friend.
At end of first week, athlete will scan so the coach can have an idea of how the recommendations are working. In addiiton, coach and ahtelte will talk via video or in person about how first week went and athelte will get feedback on how to proceed.
athlete will then scan every other week and coach will go over results and give feedback via vido conference or in person.
throughout the coaching, athlete will give coach daily average calories/macros so the coach can make adjustments to recommedned calories/macros. This information will be easiest to maintain using myfitnesspal app.
Athelte will have Direct access to the coach by phone or text if something pops up that needs attention.